Live Kingdom
Are You Really a Disciple? The Radical Shift That Changes Everything

Are You Really a Disciple? The Radical Shift That Changes Everything

discipleship training intimacy with god surrender to jesus the great commission Mar 08, 2025


What Is a Disciple?

A Look at Surrender, Action, and Following Jesus



Have you ever hit a spiritual plateau, wondering if you’re missing something bigger? The disciples in the Bible lived boldly—healing the sick, proclaiming truth, and upending the status quo. This is far more than Sunday morning attendance or simply “believing” in Jesus. If you’ve caught yourself asking, “Is there more to following Christ than this?”you’re on the right track. Let’s explore what true discipleship looks like—from fully counting the cost to bringing the Kingdom into daily life.

1. A Disciple Is One Who Follows Jesus

“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” —Matthew 4:19

  • When Jesus called Peter, Andrew, James, and John, they left their nets immediately to follow Him.
  • Today, that same call means surrendering our ambitions and priorities so Jesus can transform them.
  • Disciples don’t remain static—they go where Christ leads, trusting His authority.

Practical Takeaway:
Ask the Holy Spirit to show you where you’ve been unwilling to follow. It may not mean leaving your job, but it does mean releasing control so Jesus can direct your steps.

2. A Disciple Counts the Cost and Surrenders Completely

“Whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.” —Luke 14:27

  • Jesus never promised an easy path—He said we must take up our cross and die to our old ways.
  • True surrender can bring misunderstanding or opposition, but it also leads to freedom and fulfillment in God’s better plan.
  • By “losing” our life for Christ’s sake, we gain the peace and joy that come with full alignment to His will.

Practical Takeaway:
Reflect on areas of your life you still hold tightly. Prayerfully ask, “Lord, what would it look like if I surrendered this to You?”

3. A Disciple Is Both a Learner and a Doer

“These signs will follow those who believe…” —Mark 16:17

  • Disciples observe Jesus’ words and put them into action, much like apprentices learning a trade.
  • This can include praying for the sick, proclaiming the gospel, or encouraging those who feel hopeless.
  • Fear is natural. Many worry “What if nothing happens?”—but the key is obedience; God handles the results.

Practical Takeaway:
Pick one aspect of Jesus’ ministry—maybe praying for a person in need—and actually do it this week. See how God shows up in your obedience.

4. A Disciple Makes Other Disciples

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” —Matthew 28:19–20

  • Jesus’ Great Commission applies to every believer, not just pastors or missionaries.
  • Disciples look for ways to share the gospel in everyday life—homes, workplaces, coffee shops—and help new believers grow.
  • The goal is multiplication: you teach others to follow Jesus, and they do the same.

Practical Takeaway:
Think of one person in your circle who’s open to spiritual conversations. Offer to read Scripture together or pray for them regularly.

5. A Disciple Develops Intimacy with God

“It’s definitely not just about healing or casting out unclean spirits. It’s about Jesus. It’s about relationship with Him.”

  • Effective discipleship flows from relationship. Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to commune with the Father (Luke 5:16).
  • Our strength comes from spending time in prayer, studying Scripture with expectancy, and listening for the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
  • As intimacy deepens, surrender becomes a joy rather than a chore.

Practical Takeaway:
Schedule at least 15 minutes each day to sit quietly with God. Ask Him to speak to you as you read His Word, and then journal what you sense Him saying.

6. A Disciple Embraces Kingdom Living Now

  • “Kingdom living” happens in everyday settings—grocery aisles, restaurants, or parking lots.
  • Disciples carry God’s presence wherever they go, ready to pray for those who are sick or in need, sharing hope and encouragement.
  • Not everyone will respond positively, but the seeds you plant can yield eternal fruit as God moves in His timing.

Practical Takeaway:
The next time you see someone distressed or hurting, offer a simple prayer or kind word. Small acts of faith often open doors for God’s Kingdom to touch lives.

Key Takeaways

  1. A Follower – Disciples leave behind self-focused pursuits to obey Jesus’ call.
  2. Fully Surrendered – They love Christ above all else, counting the cost to do so.
  3. Active & Teachable – They learn and do what Jesus said, trusting God to work.
  4. Committed to Multiplying – They invest in others, leading them to do the same.
  5. Rooted in Intimacy – They build a deep relationship with God through prayer and the Spirit’s leading.
  6. Eager to Bring the Kingdom – They share God’s power and love in daily situations.


  • Reflection Question: Where have you sensed God calling you to step out in faith this week?
  • Action Step: Pray for an opportunity to share God’s love with someone—through prayer, encouragement, or a conversation about Jesus.
  • Prayer Prompt: Ask the Holy Spirit to give you boldness and compassion, reminding you of Jesus’ promise: “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20).

Scriptures to Meditate On

  • Matthew 4:19 – “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
  • Luke 14:27 – “Whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.”
  • Mark 16:17 – “These signs will follow those who believe…”
  • Matthew 28:19–20 – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”
  • Luke 5:16 – Jesus withdrew to pray in solitude, modeling intimacy with the Father.

As you reflect on these truths, remember that discipleship isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress—learning, growing, and following Jesus each day. When you lean into His presence and power, you’ll find the courage to move beyond casual belief and into an authentic life of faith. And in that journey, you’ll discover just how good, faithful, and close our Lord really is.